Friday, March 25, 2016

Benefits you can reap by using Azure cloud

Cloud technology is a real breakthrough in the technology world. This technology is allowing the employees to access the applications and data from any place across the globe with valid credentials. Many companies are evincing interest in moving from their current infrastructure to cloud. This is really helping cloudworks businesses, especially employees to hold meetings, access applications and other confidential data from their mobile devices and laptops remotely. There are many companies, especially cloudworks who is providing superior quality cloud services. However, you can need to hire a reputed and credible company to migrate your applications to cloud.
Businesses are using Microsoft Azure, a backbone of Microsoft cloud. Indeed, people who are using this platform for their business are reaping ample benefits. This cloudworksMicrosoft platform is helping small to large size businesses to develop, install and manage the application on the Microsoft data centers.  Businesses who are working on IaaS and PaaS platform can use this cloudworks Azure. IaaS is enabling companies to outsource the cloud infrastructure and spend money for what they use where as PaaS is enabling the businesses to create the web application without spending money on purchasing the infrastructure required to create and maintain the web application.

Here are a few two benefits you can reap by using an Azure cloud

Applications:  The cloudworks businesses have the liberty to deploy the customer and internal application on the cloud using this platform. The best part of this platform is that, you can deploy the applications on the cloud quickly by curtailing the cost of hardware and maintenance that would otherwise cost you by hiring a separate IT team for managing the application. Moreover, the cloudworks companies can pay for what they use, thus helping companies to cut down the operating expenses.

Storage: Every company has a treasure trove of data. In fact, the companies which are operating for a few decades will have ample data. As the data gets obsolete, companies would move them to archive. In order to store this archived data, businesses can either purchase a hard disk or can use cloudworks storage to store it. However, Azure’s Blob cloudworks storage enables the company to store adequate data in it and helps the users to access that data from anywhere across the globe. 

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